Jingle bells

Dec 24, 2021 | Black & White, Seasonal

Xmas tree shadows - December 2021

And here we are again! Another festive season accompanied by rising covid cases and potential restrictions. With some of our extended family away and some feeling not well, we are in familiar, just the two of us, territory.

Things I shan’t miss for two week, in no particular order… Getting up at stupid o’clock in the dark, catching the bus, going to work, being at work, catching the bus home. And, of course, Christmas shopping. I’m sure I’ve missed out a lot of things I shan’t miss but you get the picture.

Things I’m looking forward to… Spending time with my beloved, eating and drinking far too much, watching rubbish TV. I plan snuggle up and catch up with a lot of reading. In between all that I look forward to plenty of long walk in the countryside, weather permitting. That’s enough to be getting on with.

I hope you are well and have a great festive break. I’ll see you on the other side.

Happy Christmas